Granisel Real™
Every day we have the privilege of being able to touch the raw stone, just extracted, and we know that there are few natural resources that can be matched. We know the secrets of the best stones in the world and are truly passionate about this mandatory natural element in the best architectural creation ever.
Headquartered in Vila Real, in the region of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, but with several deposits of materials scattered around the world where we have several materials ranging from limestones, travertines, granites and marbles from the various regions of the globe.
Recognized for their exemplary and professional work in the global market for ornamental stones, we are constantly looking for new materials and new partnerships to satisfy our customers in terms of quality and variety. The satisfaction of all partners is our main objective.
Every detail counts, each shaft, each groove, each brand that differentiates. Nothing escapes the attentive eye that seeks perfection, and only the blocks with the highest degree of purity and the proper adaptation to the purpose of each project are selected.
Whenever transformation is a requirement, we ensure the process, with the certainty that the projects are fully completed and within the contracted term. Inspections selections, classifications, cutting, finishing, nothing is left to chance. Experience, technology and knowledge are our hallmarks.
Every detail counts…